2020: A Year In Review – Lessons, Financial Goals, Blog Income

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Alright, I know it kind of feels like it’s December 43rd of 2020 and like the whole time stream is pranking us… The fact is, though, it’s (technically) a new year. For many of us, that means looking back on last year, and reflecting on what we hope to accomplish this year. Today, I’ll be looking back on 2020 with a year in review. 

I’ll reflect on our experiences, share a few lessons learned, discuss our finances and debt payoff progress so far, and give you a glimpse into what my first year of blog income looked like.

Then, we’ll chat about some goals and milestones I’m planning to reach in 2021. You’ve set your New Year’s SMART goal already, right? Great!

Even if 2020 was quite possibly the worst year of your life, you can still benefit from reflecting on where you’ve been and starting to figure out how you’ll get closer to where you hope to be. Only you know if you’re prepared to face the year again, but when you’re ready, I recommend giving it a try.

Let’s dive in!.

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I know 2020 was scary and hard for a lot of us. If you're looking for tips on how to survive if you're still struggling or want some advice on how you can start building a safety net for emergencies, here are a few posts that might help.

An Attitude of Gratitude

Straight away, I want to take a moment to acknowledge how fortunate my family has been through all this. I have no misconceptions at all about the balance between hard work and blind luck in the last year of my life. 

You’ll hear no talk of bootstraps here.

Even though our debt multiplied like bunnies this year, my blog hasn’t yet taken off like I’d hoped, we lost a fortune in sunk costs, and my whole household caught COVID 19 (we’re still fighting lingering side effects, in fact), we’ve been very lucky.

Both Mr. P&P and I remained employed and maintained our income. We’ve suffered no major injuries or huge home issues this year. By the grace of God, we only directly know one person who has died due to COVID complications. These are blessings over which we had zero control. Sheer good fortune.

If you’ve lost your job or income stream, fallen on hard times due to unfortunate circumstances, or lost loved ones and are working through the grieving process, these things are not your fault. Nobody deserves any of this. There is nothing to be ashamed of if 2020 wasn’t your year.

Even though some things about 2020 sucked for us, I am infinitely grateful that we’ve come out the other side relatively unscathed. 

2020: Year in Review Rundown

Whether you’re new here or just need a refresher, here’s a monthly play by play of all the major events of 2020 in the P&P household.

January: We started the year off with a bang by moving. After months of rat infestations, staph infections, and unseasonably cold days without heat or hot water, we decided to call it quits on The Pit, our former fixer upper home. We sold it at a loss and refinanced our townhome rental property for a down payment. In all, we accrued an extra $139,970,84 in mortgage debt and estimate about $100,000 in losses from the The Pit. We also brought a little over $5,000 in medical debt and nearly $40,000 in credit card debt directly due to The Pit into the new year. Then two rounds of (maybe) the flu, the move, and a pretty bad concussion used up all our sick days. We needed things to go perfectly for the rest of the year to catch up financially…

February: We spent most of this month sick from falling ill every time we unpacked a box. I blame leftover rat germs. We made an $18,000 debt payment with most of our remaining cash out refinance.There were no mortgage payments, (a small consolation from our refinance) and a large tax refund. So we paid off our first credit card and cut our debt total in half. We held back $4,000 of the cash out refinance in savings for necessary home repairs .

March: Lockdown began as the first COVID cases hit North Texas. Mr. P&P and I both started teaching full time from home with our toddler in tow. Our rental income took a nose dive, causing financial stress. The realization that we were entering a global health emergency with no emergency savings and an empty pantry sunk in. Consequently, our grocery budget clocked in this month at over a grand to restock on staples and  rebuild our emergency pantry.

April: Our stress levels peaked this month. I don’t think I published a single blog post in April. I also stopped making student loan payments. Mr. P&P, however, did not. Turns out loans older than 10 years didn’t qualify for the loan freeze. Anxiety about limited cash on hand and uncertainty about the future urged me to start banking my monthly payment into savings. I’ve yet to spend that money and will make a full back payment when student loan interest is reinstated. We also banked our stimulus check and breathed a little easier. Quarantine meant low expenses, so we paid off another credit card.

May: We discovered a costly error in our budget spreadsheet, and our finances took a hit. Sadly, we found the error only after posting a $1,700 credit card payment. Things are going well so far, huh? The error cost us around $2,000. Luckily, we spent 2019 trying to get Mr. P&P living on last months income. The error was covered, but the windfall was gone. We were feeling the pressure, but at least we had summer break providing some rest. In the wake of George Floyd’s death, racial tensions came to a head, and the world saw both peaceful protesting and riots. We found ourselves fortunate to live in an area that experienced only one outbreak of violence.

June: Not much to declare. We stayed home all summer, made a decent credit card payment, and I dyed my hair purple.

July: I spent July attempting to restock the pantry amid food shortages, trying to prepare for back to school, and spending too much money on Halloween decorations as a morale boost. At this point, isolation really started to mess with me. July also brought my first affiliate income through blogging, though I didn’t receive the payment until September. 

August: Problems and Projects turned one year old in August! We also paid off another credit card, helped largely by our stimulus check from earlier in the year. At this point, we both knew we had jobs to return to, so we loosened those purse strings and eliminated another $3,804.11 in debt. 

September: My first month of real blog income, a hefty $34.80! We took another large financial hit from our rental property in September and had our first “over budget” month in quite a while. This month brought the first minimum credit card payment of the year, a very sad time indeed. September also found us teaching from home again due to a lack of campus bandwidth. At least this time we had daycare. 

October: Ah, October. The month we all caught COVID 19. We spent a total of 18 days in quarantine and found ourselves yet again working from home with no childcare options – and this time, sick to boot. I never even published a budget report. It was another minimum payment month on account of ordering in a lot of food, (complete lack of energy to cook and inability to go to the grocery store) and I spent too much again on morale boosting Halloween stuff, only to be quarantined during Halloween. Bummer. This month, I receive by biggest blog income check of the year, a grand total of $62.80.

November: We spent the first part of the month still in quarantine and the last part trying to survive until Fall break. I didn’t manage to post a budget report this month, either. If you’re still of the mindset that kids don’t catch or spread it, BTW, you should know that my daycare experienced a 100% infection rate… among the parents. Every parent was sick within a week of the first baby testing positive – educators from almost a dozen different campuses. We also saw a small income bonus from work which helped us balance our overspending in September.  However, we did have to pull from savings to cover $1,700 in unexpected home expenses to remove a falling tree and fix a water main leak. Luckily, we kept a chunk of change from that cash out refinance to cover just such an expense. I earned another $50.60 through the blog.

December: December was mostly just a sprint to Winter Break, let’s be honest. Still, our spending went well, and we were able to make our first larger-than-minimum credit card payment in months. I also earned $23.60 from the blog. 

What Did We Learn From All This?

Which brings me to the takeaway from this year in review. What did we learn from this incredibly wild and stressful year?

1. NEVER start a financial plan with the words, "If everything goes just right..."

To be fair, we put a lot more thought into our decision to move than that. And overall, things worked out pretty well for us. 

We’re cash poor, but we’ve paid off an immense amount of credit card debt, and nobody has had a single staph infection this year. Down from like 5 in 2019… 

But if even one thing had gone desperately wrong – a job loss, a severe pay cut, one of us died, hell, even a car accident or broken bone… We’d might have been filing for bankruptcy. (And yes, this summer, we and many other teachers did have conversations and make health insurance adjustments to cover if one of us died this year…)

Also, I’m pretty sure hoping everything goes just right is basically tempting fate. SO MUCH went wrong this year. We are beyond lucky to have come out the other side in the shape we’re in.

2. Sometimes you do everything right, and it still goes all wrong. 

We just don’t have control over every circumstance in our lives. My family did everything right to avoid getting sick. 

We isolated until we returned to work, and then we isolated except to go to work. All of us, my two year old included, wore masks when we left the house. Mr. P&P and I mask up at our jobs all day. I even teach virtual students, so I don’t have a classroom to come in contact with. We stripped down into the washer and showered after every single school day. 

We all still caught COVID. Since we still needed both incomes, it was out of our control. 

Sometimes, you bust your butt and work as hard as you can, but you aren’t able to reach your goals or stay afloat. You don’t have control over every circumstance. Things can, and do, just happen.

3. A $1,000 Emergency Savings is NOT ENOUGH to get you through a severe emergency.

A controversial opinion? Maybe.

Honestly, I’ve never been super comfortable with the $1,000 in savings suggestion. It’s a great place to start, but the vast majority of the emergencies we’ve experienced in the last 3 years cost way more than that. Most of our $40,000 in credit card debt was the result of unexpected emergencies that my $1,200 savings couldn’t cover.

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that more is better with emergency savings, and everyone’s circumstances are different. It’s been 10 months since the first round of furlough’s and firings, and a whole lot of people still can’t find gainful employment. Even a 6 month fund seems paltry in the face of 2020. 

I’m so glad that my family has managed to keep more in savings this year even though we’re also paying down debt. 

4. There are no guarantees. All you can do is assess your situation, move on to tomorrow, and make the choices that fit your family.

None of us were guaranteed to stay healthy, safe, or employed this year. What worked for my family might not work for yours, and that’s okay. In the end, we’re all doing the best we can with what we have.

Can you learn how to do better? Absolutely. Maybe for you, it means expanding a side income or learning to invest. Or maybe it’s beefing up your savings and getting your emergency supplies fully stocked. Perhaps it’s getting out of debt to create breathing room. Heck, maybe it’s just figuring out how to avoid homelessness for one more month.

There are no guarantees. This year, I think we all held our loved ones a little closer to our hearts, appreciated those paychecks a little more, and discovered what we want to improve, so we never have to do *this* (whatever your this was) again.

5. The risky choice isn't always the worst one.

At the beginning of the year, we bought a more expensive home with no savings and a mountain of debt, basically on a wing and a prayer. I’m not sure it’s ever good news when your loan adviser tells you they’ve never done anything like your paperwork before…

Moving added an enormous amount of financial loss and debt to our bottom line. Technically, we couldn’t afford to move at all! It didn’t look like the best choice on paper.

Could we have stayed in our rat toilet house for a few more years and tried to keep fixing it. Yep. We could have kept gambling with our lives and the never ending staph infections, respiratory ailments, bad sanitation, and poor dietary choices due to the hundreds of rats we lived with. 

Could we have sold both homes, moved into a cheap apartment, and bought a beater (with no emergency savings to fix it up). Absolutely. 

Could we have moved to a cheaper location at the expense of either commuting a longer distance or trying to find new jobs (during a global pandemic with the highest unemployment rate we’ve seen in forever). I mean, yeah, I guess. 

We even could have kept hemorrhaging money into that house, hoping something would finally address all its problems, and provide us some return on our investment. On paper, all of these looked like better and more feasible options. 

We didn’t know when we chose to move that the whole world was on the precipice of a global health crisis that would quarantine us for months and give new meaning to the phrase “work from home”. Nor did we anticipate rising food shortages, a tanking job market, civil unrest, and a complete restructuring of life as we knew it.

But hindsight is 2020, (y’all, I’m hilarious) and I’m beyond grateful that we didn’t have to try and survive this year in that home. I honestly don’t think we would have made it, psychologically or health wise. Sometimes, the risky move turns out to be the blessing in disguise.

Our 2020 Debt Repayment Numbers

This is the part of the year in review you’re all here to see right? Let’s get to it already. Currently, we have 5 debt categories – mortgage, student loan, car, health care, and credit card.

Now remember, we started our debt payoff journey in August, so our beginning total doesn’t quite reflect all the original numbers from our very first budget report. I’m just going back to January. Let’s start with the biggest heart attack, shall we? 

  • Mortgage Debt

January Total – $267, 899.16 for The Pit and the rental

December Total – $402,667.50 for the new house and the refinanced rental

That’s right, we ADDED $134,768.34 to our mortgage debt, or 33.5%.

Mortgage Payoff
Debt Paid -33.5%
  • Student Loans

January Totals – $62,747.68

December Totals – $58,982.97

We eliminated $3,765.71. Not a whole lot, but remember, I’ve also got $4,000 hanging out in savings that I’ll pay toward principle before interest rates go back into effect. So, 6% down, but really closer to 12% when you consider that lump sum.

Student Loans
Debt Paid 6%
  • Car Loan

January Totals – $12.779.00

December Totals – $10,892.95

We’re not paying extra on this right now, and it’s not super high on our list of priorities with all the other debts. We paid off $1,886.05, or 14.8%

Car Loan
Debt Paid 14.8%
  • Health Care Debt

January Totals – $17,313.16

December Totals – $16,885.90

This accounts for what’s left of my bills from having Baby Girl and Mr. P&P’s hospital stay for cellulitis in 2019. We haven’t made much progress, but a whole lot of settlements are next on our list after the credit cards. We paid $427.26, or about 2.4%.

Health Care Debt
Debt Paid 2.4%
  • Credit Cards

January Totals – $37,149.55 Spread out over 5 cards

December Totals- 6,370.02 Our last card!

Since good fortune and debt shifting play a role here, I decided to break credit cards down further based on where the money came from. That way, you can get a clearer picture of how we paid down $30,779.53, or 82.8% of our debt in one year.

  • Refinance money – $10,157.42 (27.3%)
  • Stimulus and tax return – $8,349.00 (27.1%)
  • All us! – $12,273.11 (39.8%)

I fully acknowledge that we had a lot of help here, but I don’t think 12 grand is anything to sneeze at either. Especially this year. I think it’s also fair to give ourselves some credit for using all that extra cash on debts. Believe me, I can think of about a hundred other things I’d rather have spent 18 grand on this year.

Credit Cards
Debt Paid 82.8%

And just for fun…

January Total Debt – $397,888.55

December Total Debt – $495,799.34

Total Debt
Debt Paid -24.6%

But if you take the mortgage situation out of the equation, we eliminated $36,858.55 in debt. Not too shabby, all things considered. 

2020 Blog Income

The second half of the year brought my first ever blog income! I’m using the term income pretty loosely here, as I definitely spent more than that in set up, maintenance, and education.

I track blog income based on the month the money enters my bank account, not the month it’s earned. With blogging, there’s usually a 6-8 week lag time between earnings and payout.

My monthly totals:

  • August – $1.27
  • September – $34.60
  • October – $62.80
  • November – $50.60
  • December – $23.60
  • 2020 Total – $172.87
And here’s where that money came from:
  • Amazon Associates – $1.27 This is the check Amazon cut me after booting me from their affiliate program due to not reaching the sales minimum. I have since been booted again for the same reason. Honestly, do I even bother a third time? That’s sooooo many links to update. 
  • Legal Value Bundle Pack – $62.80 Affiliate sales for my absolute favorite bundle of tools to get your blog legal in no time flat. Check out the details here!
  • Ultimate Bundles – $108.80 The biggest chunk of blogger income for me. If you like the bundles, they have a pretty awesome affiliate program. No traffic limits, competitive rates, and discounted products for affiliates and contributors. A beginner blogger’s best friend! Check it out here!

A Year in Review: Next Year's Goals

Who knows what 2021 will bring? So far, a whole lot more 2020 energy. I’m trying to remain cautiously optimistic, though. Here’s what we’re hoping to accomplish in the next 12 months.

Financial Goals:

  • Refinance our mortgage loans – Yes, this will increase our loan amounts and debt in the short term. One of our interest rates is crazy high due to the way we refinanced in January. In the long run, a refinance will improve our interest rates, allowing us to pay more money toward principle. We’ll save money and pay down our loans a little earlier, too. Worth it, I think.
  • Pay off our last credit card – Our initial credit card debt goal was to pay off all the cards in two years or less. We have until September, and I think we’re gonna make it! 
  • Pay off our smaller medical debt – Once the credit debt is gone, we’ll chip away at Mr. P&P’s $5,000 medical bills. If we do really well, we’ll start on mine, too. That’s not a super reasonable goal for 2021 though. More like a next step.
Blog Goals:
My blog goals run through to September, when I’ll reach my 2 year Blogiversary. Here are a few things I plan to achieve in that time.
  • Publish 60 new posts (101) in total. This post makes #73!
  • Offer 4 new freebies. I’ve made 2 so far.
  • Create my first paid product.
  • Reach 1,800 Twitter followers. I’m currently at 840.
  • Reach 300 Pinterest followers. Currently at 164.
  • Figure out Instagram. I somehow have 99 followers.
  • Reach 300 Facebook followers. Currently 122 followers.
  • Reach 100 email subscribers. Currently at 45 subscribers.

I’ve also got some tiered income goals set up, the first of which is to hit $100 in consistent monthly income, scaling up over time to replacing my full time income! 

But for now, baby steps. Let’s work toward small scale consistency.

Share Your Year in Review

What’s 2020 been like for you? Did you achieve any big goals or pay down any large debts? Or was this year more of a survival thing for you?

We’d love to hear a little bit about your year in review in the comments below. 

While you’e at it, don’t forget to share this post on your favorite social media, follow us, and subscribe to our newsletter. so you can stay up to date on all the latest news and events! 

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