How To Build A Get Home Bag For $60 or Less

A couple of weeks ago, I published a post where I shared 6 reasons why you should build a get home bag ASAP. That post was pretty well received. Since manageable, attainable preparedness seems to be something you guys want AND something I'm passionate about, today, I'm going to show you how to build a get home bag.But I'm going to take it a step further. I also want to help you plan your own get home bag no matter your budget (and I do want you to set a budget!). My goal is to ultimately create a giant post on…


6 Reasons To Build Your Get Home Bag Now!

I get it. A lot of us are still working from home, self isolating, or following social distancing protocols. We're barely leaving our houses. Why worry about building a get home bag for emergencies when we spend all of our time at home?That's a fair point. I actually haven't left my neighborhood block in a solid two weeks now. I'm a little worried about my car's battery life! Even so, I firmly believe that this is the best time to start preparing a get home bag. If you've already built one (good for you!), this is a great time to…