Creative Home Projects Bundle – DIY Your Life The Easy Way

I'm doing a lot of DIY projects this Halloween to bring some macabre festivities to my house. 2020 might me a dumpster fire, but I'm living my best life whether Halloween officially happens or not! Today, I've got a resource that can help you DIY the next few holidays for almost nothing - the Creative Home Projects Bundle. Yeah, I know I'm super behind on my Blogtober posting schedule. Sometimes, you just have to acknowledge that life happens, do what you can, and move on!No clue what I’m talking about? Head on back to Blogtober Day 1 or this pre-Blogtober post I wrote, and get caught…


Cheap, Simple DIY Washer Dryer Stand

I had never considered a washer dryer stand to be a necessity until I hit 18 weeks pregnant. Suddenly, I couldn't bend over anymore. Shortness of breath and dizziness plagued me. When I checked out the prices of pre-built ones, Mr. P&P and I both had a small heart attack. Then, we decided to make our own DIY washer dryer stand. Our first one was made of scrap wood and an old door, and it was awesome. Ugly, to be sure, but for the next 6 months or so, I could actually wash my clothes without feeling like I would…