I remember the first time I opened a credit card. I was 19 years old and had already been living on my own for over a year. It was a $300 limit with about 29% interest, which seems insane today! I didn’t know way back then that learning how to get out of debt would become such a huge part of my life.
Five or so years later, I would be drowning in around $13,000 worth of credit card debt, borrowing money to keep my car, and feeling like an absolute failure! Fortunately, by 2015, I would be making the payment that brought my balance to zero!
Now, 14 yeas after opening that first card, we are feeling the heavy burden of credit card debt again. Not to mention student loans, a car loan, and two mortgages! We’ve decided once more that it’s time to kick our debt to the curb and regain control of our money. Except this time, we’re doing it here for the world to see.
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Why Make Our Debt Payoff Public?
I still vividly recall what it felt like to be a young adult drowning in debt. My debt was more than half my income. The payments alone took up half my paychecks each month. I felt hopeless!
It’s not that I didn’t have options. I just didn’t have a clue what they were. The extent of what I could think to do included having my cards frozen, dropping all my college courses for a year, begging my job for more hours, and asking my mom for a small loan to get me through the month. A choice that didn’t come easily as it was the only time in my adult life I have ever done so.
Now, with some experience behind me, I have a better idea of what I should have been doing back then. This time, I’m a lot less worried about what to do and how to get my finances back under control. I want to share what I learned in hopes that it can save someone else ten years of heartache.
That is why I’m creating this step by step guide on how to get out of debt! I hope that it can be a road map for those of you out there navigating debt payoff with me.
How To Get Out Of Debt
I want to start by saying that I am not a financial or legal adviser! I am just a regular person sharing what worked for me. Your situation may require different choices. I am not saying that this is the only way to get out of debt. It’s just one way.
This post will also be fairly detailed and have a lot of info. So, grab a coffee and a snack and settle in. Then bookmark, share, or pin this post, so you can come back to it later!

Step 1: Write Down All Your Debt
Personally, I don’t think it’s good enough to just “know” what your debts are. Getting it all down on paper (or technology) and actually visualizing the damage is pretty integral. You’ll need to know the balances, due dates, minimum payments, and interest rates. If you can get the principal payment totals, all the better.
First, the shock value of actually seeing it all in front of you can be motivating. Make no mistake, it will also be demoralizing. You’re probably going to feel terrible. But use those negative feelings as the fuel that lights a fire under you!
The other important reason for doing this is that you will need ALL those numbers to help you make a plan. I firmly believe that in order to actually pay off debt, you need some kind of a plan and some goals along the way.
You can do this on paper, but I’m a sucker for spreadsheets! Mr. P&P creates and customizes many of the spreadsheets we use to track our money, but this downloadable debt reduction calculator is a free, easy resource that I love when establishing a plan! If you’d like an in depth tutorial on how to use this free resource, check out this post where I break down several options for you!
Step 2: Track Your Income And Spending For A Month
From this point on, you’ll need to track your income and spending EVERY month, but for the purpose of getting started, you need to know how much money you earn and spend on a typical month.
Track EVERYTHING. Every bill paid, every restaurant visit, every dollar that goes into the vending machine. You need an idea of where all your money is going. Ignoring spending will leave gaping holes in your plans.
You have a ton of options here! Old fashioned paper and pencil will do just fine. But if that’s too hard to keep up with (and it would be for me!) there are several digital tools at your disposal.
I personally use Mint to track my spending. It’s not perfect, and you have to get a little bit creative with how you use it to budget. But it’s free and automated, two important factors for me!
Get every single account you can think of synced up with Mint. It’ll help you visualize all your credit and loan accounts, savings, checking, etc. Now, it should pull up the last 90 days of transactions for you to view. If it does, great! You don’t have to wait a whole month for this step. Even better, you can use three month’s worth of data to get a clear picture of your average spending habits.
I also built my own spreadsheet to track everything a little more clearly. If building spreadsheets isn’t your jam, I’ve heard great things about YNAB. It essentially spreadsheets your budget for you. It’s also a paid service. If you want to know more, check out these posts from Six Figures Under here, here, or here. She does some pretty detailed breakdowns on how to understand YNAB.
Step 3: Categorize Your Spending For One Month
Now that you know what you spend, earn, and owe, it’s time to start setting up that plan.
Before you can really begin to think about paying things off, you need to make sure your bank account isn’t hemorrhaging money every month. Don’t try to sugar coat it, either. Set a budget based on your last month’s spending. This way, you can really start to see the problems that need to be fixed.
You can check out our August Budget Report to see where we were overspending, our September Budget Report to see how we cleaned up our spending, or our October Budget Report and see how a budget can help with surprise expenses!
Start with all your essential categories; things like rent, utilities, car payments, groceries… the things you HAVE to pay just to get through the month.
To help get you started, our essential categories include:
- Mortgages
- Utilites
- Daycare
- Car Payments
- Insurance
- Phone Bills
- Gas and Toll Tag Fees
- Groceries
- Internet and Streaming Services
- Gym
- Health
- Home Spending
- Restaurants and Fast Food
- Baby spending
- Gifts
- Media
- Hobbies
- Classroom Spending
- Blog Expenses
- Savings
- Other Expenses
- Student Loans
- Credit Card Payments
- Medical Debt
- Fees and Finance Charges
Your categories will vary from mine depending on your circumstances and priorities. I only included these categories as a general guide to help get you started. Ultimately, you have to decide the details! Once you have done this, you should be able to see how much you’re spending in a month. Subtract that total from your monthly income.
Step 4: Establish A Realistic Baseline Budget
Alright, at this point, you should have written down all your debt numbers, tracked one month’s expenses, categorized that spending, and compared it to your income. By now, you should have a pretty clear picture of things based on past behaviors.
If you’re experiencing a little whiplash, that’s ok. I still do when I look at some of those numbers! Whiplash is good. It means you know that things need to change!
What you need to do at this point is set a budget. Begin with your essential categories. Note the category and the amount you MUST pay to keep this category in good standing.
Then, add categories for your debt repayment. Begin by budgeting the minimum payments here. Don’t worry, you’re not going to only pay minimums for the next 30 years, but you must have a baseline, a place to start.
Finally, add in the categories you plan to keep for your non essential spending. How much “extra” money are you going to spend? Personally, I don’t like to have a million micro-budgets for clothing, eating out, school supplies, etc… It stresses me out way too much. So, I make one budget category for all the extra things that pop up every month. Then, I have one big category for all my other spending that I hope to stay below.
This is what our own budget spreadsheet looks like in early November. Our beginning budget was already set based on a lower than expected income. We had also already logged some spending.

Now, I like to have an idea of where my money goes. So we do track those small categories. However, they all add to the monthly spending section. Then, that lump sum subtracts from our budget. So, here’s what that looks like.

Step 5: Start Living Using Your Budget
You should now know what you owe, what you make, and what you spent when you weren’t paying attention. You’ve also set a budget based on what you think you will spend on your first budgeted month.
Try to actually live on that budget for a month. The first time, your estimates will probably be wrong! Don’t give up if you go over budget. Start making adjustments.
If you find you’re going over in a certain category, you need to pull money from somewhere else in the budget! For example, if I go over in my grocery spending, I’ll pull any extra money from other categories or dip into that cash savings category where all my extra goes.
Now, here’s the catch. You still want to try really hard not to spend more money than you actually have in that month’s budget. That’s only going to make the values of the debt continue to grow.
Step 6: Make Budget Adjustments
That first month, you should expect that it won’t be perfect! Don’t let that scare you away. It’s going to happen.
If you’re anything like me, at the end of your first budgeted month, you’re going to find that you underestimated your spending in some places. For me, it was groceries, restaurants, and my spending money categories.
I had really high hopes for myself that first month, and it turns out they were unrealistic. That meant that I had to make changes so my budget would work.
I found I needed a slightly higher grocery budget, especially as I found that processed foods (the easiest kind to get for next to nothing) were destroying my skin and general health. For the sake of my health, I decided that I was willing to sacrifice a little more money for healthier foods.
I also needed a reality check on my lifestyle. Since I was spending money I didn’t have, I had to learn that I couldn’t actually afford to eat out or buy lunch at work every day.
In the first few months of budgeting, you should be looking back at your spending and thinking about where you need to make changes so that it will work for you. The first time you do this, it’ll probably be a bit of a reality check. Again, don’t give up! Adapt.
Step 7: Start Paying Down Debt
I am a huge fan of the concept of zero based budgeting.
The idea here is that at the start of each month, you budget every single dollar of your income for that month. All the way down to zero. That doesn’t necessarily mean that every dollar gets spent, just that every dollar has a job.
If I could make my whole spreadsheet fit in one screenshot, you’d see my income at the top and my budgeted total at the bottom are exactly the same. None of my paycheck is sitting around wondering what to do or disappearing without explanation. I know where it all goes.
At the end of the month, I take every single extra cent from all my categories and rearrange it to have a job as well. Right now, those extra dollars go to cash savings. We’re saving up to get Mr. P&P a month ahead on his finances.
Once we hit that goal, though, every spare cent we have at the end of the month will go directly to one of our debts in the order that we determined using the debt reduction calculator.
Step 8: Have A Cushion Just In Case
Budgeting for every single dollar in your account will probably feel incredibly scary at first, especially if you’re actually spending it all to get out of debt! When money is tight, one overdraft fee can be the difference between survival and financial catastrophe.
That’s why I’m such a huge advocate of living on last month’s income! With this strategy, I am actually budgeting money I earned in October to spend in November. November’s income doesn’t get touched until December 1st. This way, you’ll automatically have a cushion of one month. But you have to be careful to follow the budget and not spend that cushion unless there is an emergency!
If a full month’s expenses isn’t attainable right now, aim for a small emergency savings of $500 – $1,000 in your account. Then, don’t touch it unless there’s an actual emergency or unplanned withdrawal.
Step 9: Celebrate Small Successes
We have a celebration every month that our balances go down. When I say celebration, I don’t mean a big party or dinner at a restaurant. More like a silent cheer and a pat on the back.
In October, we did a little cheer when we saw that all of our debts had gone down! Below is a snapshot of part of our spreadsheet. The green areas show the amount paid down on each of our accounts! We felt so motivated to be able to see that we made progress even though it didn’t feel that way.

When you’re taking your financial life back, every little step of progress is a big deal. Things aren’t going to work as planned. Murphy’s Law will get in your way. Your first cleared debt might take time to reach.
Part of being successful is actually feeling successful. So, make a big deal out of it every month a balance decreases. When you pay off a balance, show so much joy that your family thinks you’ve lost it!
Remember why you’re doing this every single day. Then celebrate it, because step 10 is one of the most difficult.
Step 10: Push Through Struggles and Burnout
Once you have established a budget and debt payoff plan, you’re probably going to be excited to get started. Those first few payments feel amazing! The first cleared balance is downright blissful.
But what if you’re working through tens of thousands in debt? Maybe your first debt won’t be paid off for a year or more. It could even be that you get through all the small debts, and now you’re left with only huge balances.
Maybe you’re just downright tired of cleaning up this mess! Sooner or later, you’ll probably hit debt fatigue and burnout. You’re just going to get tired of cutting costs, living frugally, tracking expenses, and using all your extra money on debt. It happens to the best of us.
Debt repayment burnout is sneaky. It tells you that your efforts no longer matter. Then, it convinces you to splurge. Over and over again. Before you know it, the burnout monster can completely unravel your best budget intentions.
There are a ton of strategies to help you defeat burnout, but to keep it simple, let’s talk about three useful tips.
3 Useful Tips To Get Through Burnout
- Have a Plan
Luckily, you’ve already done that! When burnout strikes, go back to your plan and reassess it. Make sure things are still working for you. Look for ways to give yourself a little breathing room while you get your bearings again.
If freedom still seems far off, how can you amp up your repayment, and get rid of a big chunk of debt?
- Track Your Progress
Whether it’s a spreadsheet, monthly budget and debt trackers, or a monthly list of balances, find a way to track your progress.
When you’re left with the big debts, it can seem like nothing is happening. Rest assured, you are likely making progress. It’s just much harder to see when the balances are huge. When you feel that debt fatigue creep in, go back and look at your monthly balances. Check out all the progress you’ve made.
Then, look forward to how long you have left. Freedom might not be as far away as it feels.
- Celebrate Small Victories
Remember a minute ago when I mentioned celebrating every month our balances go down? Yeah, that’s intentional.
I experience fatigue very quickly and burnout is always hanging over my shoulder. It makes me feel better when I make a big deal of my progress every time I see it (and I check often!).
When you get to the point where all you have left is large balances, set small celebratory goals. Do something fun (and not too pricey) after every $1,000 pay down.
You Can Get Out Of Debt!
The most difficult part of any change is getting started. This isn’t the only way to do it! But it is one way.
If you have no idea where to begin, this guide can help you get started. Or maybe it just gives you some ideas to add to your own strategy. Don’t just take my word for it, though! Get started. Try something out.
If you feel like I missed something, or even if you do things differently, I’d love to hear about it. Let me know in the comments down below. What methods have helped you get out of debt and regain your life?
While you’re at it, don’t forget to share this post on your favorite social media, follow us, and subscribe to our newsletter.
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