Creative Home Projects Bundle – DIY Your Life The Easy Way

I'm doing a lot of DIY projects this Halloween to bring some macabre festivities to my house. 2020 might me a dumpster fire, but I'm living my best life whether Halloween officially happens or not! Today, I've got a resource that can help you DIY the next few holidays for almost nothing - the Creative Home Projects Bundle. Yeah, I know I'm super behind on my Blogtober posting schedule. Sometimes, you just have to acknowledge that life happens, do what you can, and move on!No clue what I’m talking about? Head on back to Blogtober Day 1 or this pre-Blogtober post I wrote, and get caught…


Cheap, Simple DIY Washer Dryer Stand

I had never considered a washer dryer stand to be a necessity until I hit 18 weeks pregnant. Suddenly, I couldn't bend over anymore. Shortness of breath and dizziness plagued me. When I checked out the prices of pre-built ones, Mr. P&P and I both had a small heart attack. Then, we decided to make our own DIY washer dryer stand. Our first one was made of scrap wood and an old door, and it was awesome. Ugly, to be sure, but for the next 6 months or so, I could actually wash my clothes without feeling like I would…


Laundry Room Declutter With Me

We finally managed to complete our laundry room declutter, deep clean, and organization! Can I safely assume I'm not the only one using this quarantine to get my home in order? We moved out of our former dump in January, the same week we returned to school from winter break. We have too much junk in the first place, but we rushed the move in an effort to get out of our rat-infested money pit as quickly as possible. Naturally, on moving day, it snowed for the first time in 5 years... Following that, we all fell ill for most of February.…


How To Declutter Your Whole House

For the P&P household, Spring Break is coming a little late, and it's time to clean up! Today, follow along as I share our plan for how to declutter your home no matter how much time you have. We have some time because we won't be traveling, and not just because of the state of the world right now. Through the fall and winter months, our budget was trashed because of illnesses, house problems, and moving. So, we're keeping things simple and taking time to rest, recover, and get our lives back in order. This post is (finally!) part three of my three…


What Is Clutter Really Costing You?

Welcome to part two of our clutter mini-series! Spring break is just a couple of short weeks away. For many people, this means a vacation is coming. Not for the P&P family.After a ton of financial burden and a sudden move in January, vacations are out of the question for a while. Our family will spend spring break cleaning, purging clutter, and getting organized! After a long and challenging winter, we are ready to get things back in order and start organizing our lives again. It's been about 6 years since our last big junk purging session, so we think it's time…


What Causes Clutter And How To Get Control

Now that we're starting to settle in to the new house after our move in January, it's time to stop procrastinating, and get our messes in order. Since we're coming up on Spring Break and the first official day of spring, I thought it would be fun to do a series of posts about clutter. Specifically, we'll define clutter, talk about what causes clutter, and then share our plan to tackle our post move clutter and disorganization problem.Today, we will start by talking about what causes clutter.I will be the first person to admit it: I'm kind of a hoarder. So is…


7 Vital Foundation Repair Tips You Must Know

Foundation repair is no small thing. In Texas, it's unfortunately very common. It's usually also very pricey. Imagine paying for major surgery ... on your house! Luckily, you can learn from my experiences with these 7 vital foundation repair tips you need to know before you start a repair job. This past summer, we broke down and decided to pay to have our faulty foundation repaired. There are a lot of things we didn't know. We would have made some different budgetary choices if we had known then what we know now.  Problems and Projects is a participant in the…


Unexpected Expenses and the Summer of Hell

Unexpected Expenses Occur With Any Project ... Anytime you plan to undertake a home improvement project, you should also plan for unexpected expenses. Everyone's dear friend Murphy makes sure that no matter how well you plan, something is going to go wrong. Unfortunately, sometimes it doesn't matter how prepared you are. Life throws things your way that you couldn't have ever anticipated. I keep talking about how this summer threw an enormous wrench in our budgeting and debt repayment plans. Today, I want to take some time to talk about just what went wrong.If you're planning a big home improvement project,…