How to Plan a Successful No Spend Month

I Love the Idea of a No Spend Month The thought of going through an entire month without spending excess money, without stressing about the budget, and having a big chunk of change sounds great in theory. In practice, a no spend month intimidates me a little bit. What if I need something important? Suppose we we run out of an essential? How do I handle major emergency that could send my lofty goal crashing to the ground? Big goals are hard, it's true. They're scary, and the lingering threat of failure is ever present. I'm also not really an…


How Did We Get Here? Our Debt Story

Welcome To The Problems and Projects Debt Story Introduction Hello, readers! This is Mrs. P&P, and this is our debt story.I haven't always carried debt. In fact, I've moved through many stages in my financial life. At one time, I held no debt due to having no credit. Later, I had maxed out all my cards. I've gone through years where I paid for enormous expenses entirely out of pocket. Then, there were years where I've taken out loans and quit answering my phone because I simply couldn't settle my debts. I've felt like I was drowning in debt with no…