7 Vital Foundation Repair Tips You Must Know

Foundation repair is no small thing. In Texas, it's unfortunately very common. It's usually also very pricey. Imagine paying for major surgery ... on your house! Luckily, you can learn from my experiences with these 7 vital foundation repair tips you need to know before you start a repair job. This past summer, we broke down and decided to pay to have our faulty foundation repaired. There are a lot of things we didn't know. We would have made some different budgetary choices if we had known then what we know now.  Problems and Projects is a participant in the…


Unexpected Expenses and the Summer of Hell

Unexpected Expenses Occur With Any Project ... Anytime you plan to undertake a home improvement project, you should also plan for unexpected expenses. Everyone's dear friend Murphy makes sure that no matter how well you plan, something is going to go wrong. Unfortunately, sometimes it doesn't matter how prepared you are. Life throws things your way that you couldn't have ever anticipated. I keep talking about how this summer threw an enormous wrench in our budgeting and debt repayment plans. Today, I want to take some time to talk about just what went wrong.If you're planning a big home improvement project,…