No Spend Month Update Week 2

Welcome To Our Second No Spend Month Update! This No Spend Month Update is so late! You know how sometimes life happens? That's been the case for the last couple of weeks. Right during that transitional time between writing this update and starting week 3, I go so sick. Like, home from work for days, lying on the couch trying to muster up the motivation to move sick. Then, right about the time I started to improve, Baby Girl came down with pink eye and an ear infection simultaneously and had to be kept home. So, here we are, halfway through…


Budget Report – August Personal Finance

Welcome To Our First Personal Budget Report! I am both excited and extremely anxious to share our personal August Budget Report with you today! Let's dive in. Problems and Projects is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This post may contain affiliate links through Amazon or other affiliate programs. If you  make a purchase through an affiliate link, I make a small commission at no additional cost to you. All opinions are my own and I only…


How to Plan a Successful No Spend Month

I Love the Idea of a No Spend Month The thought of going through an entire month without spending excess money, without stressing about the budget, and having a big chunk of change sounds great in theory. In practice, a no spend month intimidates me a little bit. What if I need something important? Suppose we we run out of an essential? How do I handle major emergency that could send my lofty goal crashing to the ground? Big goals are hard, it's true. They're scary, and the lingering threat of failure is ever present. I'm also not really an…