How To Cope When You Don’t Have An Emergency Fund

I feel like many of us are now functioning in crisis mode. Due to the rapid spread of the novel Coronavirus, life as usual is no longer the norm. Many businesses and families have felt the sting of job loss, pay cuts, or lack of resources. Yeah, we all know we should prepare for emergencies, but what if you don't have an emergency fund to rely on?  I'm seeing a lot of "told ya so" on social media regarding preparedness and finances. I'm not here today to shame anyone for not being prepared. If that's you, you are probably already…


Budget Report – February Personal Finance

Welcome To Our February Personal Budget Report! It's time for our February Personal Budget Report.I managed to get this report up in a reasonable amount of time! Way to go, me!In February, we had a lot of things fall conveniently into place. That alone made February one of the best months we've had in a while. As a result, our numbers look really, really good. Our progress this month is a little bit artificially inflated, but we still had to do the work, focus on our spending, and make wise choices with the money we had. So, let's look at last…


What Is Clutter Really Costing You?

Welcome to part two of our clutter mini-series! Spring break is just a couple of short weeks away. For many people, this means a vacation is coming. Not for the P&P family.After a ton of financial burden and a sudden move in January, vacations are out of the question for a while. Our family will spend spring break cleaning, purging clutter, and getting organized! After a long and challenging winter, we are ready to get things back in order and start organizing our lives again. It's been about 6 years since our last big junk purging session, so we think it's time…


How Sunk Costs Are Hurting Your Budget

Happy February, everyone! I feel like I haven't posted in forever. 2020 is turning out to be a pretty crazy time for us at P&P. We all had the flu for the better part of January. Honestly, we still haven't fully recovered. Throw in an injury or two on top of that. Then, of course, there was the move! If you read our January Budget Report, you already know about that transition ... We sold the pit and bought a new house! It was definitely bitter sweet, but I think it was the best choice for us. I also think…

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Budget Report – January Personal Finance

Welcome To Our January Personal Budget Report! It's time for our January Personal Budget Report. I haven't been here much lately. In fact, it's already mid February, and I'm just getting around to this report! We've been in survival mode for about two months now. So I hope you can forgive my absence! I'm hoping to build back up to a more consistent posting schedule.January was a crazy month. We all came down with the flu simultaneously. I actually caught it twice. Mr. P&P concussed himself opening the car door. Then there was the move... We are officially out of sick days. Keep…


Budget Report – December Personal Finance

Welcome To Our December Personal Budget Report! Happy New Year, friends! It's time for our December Personal Budget Report.This month, we spent a whole lot of money, but the majority of the overage spending came from that money we saved up over three months when we were saving up to get Mr. P&P living on last month's income. I keep mentioning that changes are coming. So, what's going on? Well, we've decided we've had it with The Pit. No matter how much money we dump into this house, the situation never improves, so with heavy hearts, we are cutting our losses…

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Budget Report – November Personal Finance

Welcome To Our November Personal Budget Report! It's time for our November Personal Budget Report. This month actually went pretty well even though we had Thanksgiving and some more unexpected setbacks.Big changes might be on the horizon for Problems and Projects! But I don't want to give too much away just yet.We actually finally reached our goal of saving up enough money to get Mr. P&P living on last month's income. However, this money will likely be used in other ways in December. As I said, big changes could be ahead!So, let's look at last month's earning, spending, and saving!Check…


Budget Report – October Personal Finance

Welcome To Our October Personal Budget Report! It's time for our October Personal Budget Report. This month has been a doozy.We did not save up enough money this month to get Mr. P&P a month ahead. But it wasn't for lack of trying! We are having one of those "if it can go wrong, it will" sort of months! So, let's assess the damage!Check out these links to see previous Budget Reports!August 2019 Budget ReportSeptember 2019 Budget ReportProblems and Projects is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites…


How To Live On Last Month’s Income

As I've been working toward my financial goals over time, I've borrowed a variety of strategies to build a system that works for me. Today, I want to discuss my absolute favorite financial strategy. I live on last month's income. Managing money in this way has made life so much simpler, and it's been a life saver more than once! I truly believe it can do the same for anybody!So, let's learn a little more about this incredible strategy. Problems and Projects is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for…


Budget Report – September Personal Finance

Welcome To Our Second Personal Budget Report! Today, I'll be sharing our September Personal Budget Report with you! These are the numbers we have calculated after our Slow Spend September Challenge. Check out our final reflection of the challenge here. While we didn't have as much luck as we had hoped, we did eliminate several hundred dollars worth of payments. That money is going to help us a ton as we work to get Mr. P&P to the point of living on last month's income.  Problems and Projects is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program…